Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Next week will be clazy!

Yes, I said it; clazy! Koreans have a very hard time pronounces their "r's", so crazy is clazy, delicious is dericious, and rattle is lattle. They also like to add superfluous "e's" to everything so I work at the "English Village-e" and I eat "lunch-e".

Anyway, now that you know the proper lingo, next week is going to be clazy because we are losing our four senior teachers (their contracts are up) and four new teachers are starting. One, a Canadian who lives near Montreal, arrived last night, but the rest don't have their Visas yet, so they may not even arrive next week! On top of that we are also losing a Korean teacher and our boss was just transfered so another Korean teacher took her place. So, all in all we are going to have six new teachers starting and so we'll be terribly short staffed. Plus, it's "Halloween Week" so we have a bunch of new programming taking effect.

Since so many people are leaving this week we're going to be having a staff party on Friday night. It should be good; we are going out for Galbi (bbq'd pork or beef) and drinks. On Saturday the four retiring teachers are having give-away parties for all of the stuff they can't take with them. I am hoping to score a lamp, a colander, some serving implements, cleaning supplies and a garbage can. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Daphne said...

and tea bags! O, and try to find that horsehead. I want it!