Monday, 1 October 2007

2 weeks!

I can't believe that I've been in Korea for 2 weeks already! The time has flown and it's all been really great! It's funny though, that after 2 weeks I only taught my first class by myself today. The 1st week I simply observed and the 2nd week was holiday, which brings us to today. As I write this I realize that it was EXACTLY two weeks ago that I arrived. Well, in one hour it will be anyway.

My first solo class was drama, and it was quite great. The kids responded well, and we were able to get through the entire "Clang Clang Rattle Bing Bang" script without too many problems. Bravo, Team 1! They seem like a really good group of kids so far.

Today I also found out that the Taekwondo class near the school is $90 for unlimited classes/month. I'm not sure if I will sign up or not, but I will at least try one class. It would be neat to say that I learned Taekwondo in the place it was created.

After work today I was the recipient of more Korean hospitality. I was trying to figure out the automatic stamp machine at the post office, but it would only give me domestic stamps. The post office was packed, and everyone had a number, but the man behind me came up and tried to help me and then marched me over to the counter (by-passing the very long line), explained my predicament to the lady, and proceeded not only to get me the stamps I needed, but also to get my money back from the domestic stamps I had from the machine. It was pretty sweet!

When I got home today I was in desperate need of exercise, but as it was raining (a common theme around here), I decided to look for Yoga videos online. Although I didn't find any free videos, I did find a pretty cool podcast which took me through a nice 30 minute class. I added another hour of my own practice to it, and it was great! I'll definitely be checking that out again, maybe tomorrow. (

In other news, I love my rice cooker. It is awesome. You pour 1 cup of rice in and 2 cups of water, and man oh man, it does the rest! I am sitting here right now writing this as it makes me a perfect cup of rice that I don't have to even check on! It's awesome. Apparently you can also use the rice cooker to make soups and stews and all sorts of yummy things. I'll let "y'all" know how that goes when I try it :)

Ciao for now

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Time has flown! Just thought that some of your students could probably find this so something to keep in mind when blogging! Ie: jeez that annoying 'jimmy' took me over the edge today!!t