Saturday, 13 October 2007


I met up with a friend of a friend of a friend last night in order to hear about her experiences with Dahn "Yoga," in my attempt to find some sort of relatively inexpensive workout regime. Well, it turns out that Dahn "Yoga" is not really Yoga at all, but simply uses Yoga breathing and meditation. It is also quite expensive, and you have to sign up for six months. It does sound intriguing though, so if I can find a place where I can take a drop in class I think I'll try it.

Anyway, she was telling me about her Dahn teacher, who, on several occasions, grabbed her belly-fat (she doesn't have much of it) and yelled, "DIET!!" Appalled, I asked how she had dealt with it. She replied that she had been startled and rather upset, until several of her friends told her that they had had little old ladies come up to them in train stations and supermarkets and grab hold of their stomachs, screaming "DIET!!" in their faces. Compared to that, my friend of my friend of my friend said, it didn't seem so bad.

I almost feel that my Korean experience won't be complete until that happens to me. How Koreans stay so thin is beyond me though, as EVERYTHING is sweetened, from kidney beans to potato chips to cream-injected baguettes to tomato sauce.


Daphne said...

I guess having someone grabbing your belly fat all the time is the incentive any Korean needs to stay slim and trim.
Alternately, it is an Asian plot to take over clothing manufacturing so the rest of us lumpish races must go naked, freeze to death, and die!

Unknown said...

Funny story! I also enjoyed Daphne's very logical theory... ;)