Having been here now for three weeks, (wow!) I feel that I should talk about what I really like here, and what I find rather odd.
My favourite things (in no particular order):
1) Mocha raisin bread. Truly delicious, and like all delicious things, completely awful for you. It is nice thick raisin bread, filled with mocha cream and covered in powdered sugar. You never have to worry about having butter or jam for your bread with this stuff, b/c it is pre-sliced and between each slice is a big dollop of mocha cream. YUM!
2) Chicken Galbi, which is very spicy chicken, cooked at your table with lots of veggies and "rice cakes" (which are not really rice cakes at all but rather very thick, short, addictive noodles), plus all sorts of side dishes and lettuce leaves to wrap it all up in!
3) Marinated meat cooked at your table that you wrap in lettuce leaves. I know I kind of just mentioned this above, but it's so good that it deserves it's own number. I think anything hot wrapped in lettuce is delicious; I must try it with tofu.
4) Never-ending side dishes. I love that you can go to a restaurant, order a meal, and with it comes seven or eight side dishes and a jug of water which they refill constantly. Mind you, the side dishes are almost always the same from restaurant to restaurant, and I only like about three of them, but still, I feel like I'm getting my money's worth.
5) Fresh fruit Soju. Pretty much a daiquiri but with Vodka instead of Rum and lots of pulp and delicious fruity-flavour. They actually crush fruit and blend it with Soju. No disgusting, sugary, imitation fruit flavour. What a novel idea!
6) Coke is 70 cents. So are most ice cream bars, snacks and drinks. Awesome.
Yes, yes I know, all of my favourite things have to do with food. It's not my fault, I blame it on my parentage. It's like the time I cam home from the zoo with my dad and my mom asked "How was the zoo?" and I said, "Great! We had chips!"
Ok here are a couple that have nothing to do with food:
1) Korean hospitality. So far everyone has been super helpful, super friendly and super understanding of my Korean-language ineptitudes.
2) The location of our apartment building. It's close to everything. Awesome.
3) My apartment. I feel very at home here. It's a nice space.
4) The mountains. You can't really see them here in Suwon, but they are all around Seoul, and they are beautiful.
Things I find bizarre:
1) Everyone holds hands here. Children, old people, middle-aged people, women and men. The woman-to-woman is strange, but the man-to-man is just downright bizarre. And men and boys here are very touchy-feely with each other. The boys at school love to stroke each other's hair and arms and hold hands, and then they turn around and beat the crap out of each other. It baffles me.
2) The fact that men are allowed to hold hands here, but they aren't allowed to be gay.
3) Women and their looks. Women are VERY concerned with their appearances. Everyone is manicured, pedicured, coiffed, designer everything, and always, ALWAYS high heels. For every occasion. Except hiking. Then hiking boots are required.
4) Couples wearing matching tshirts.
I'm sure there are more things but I can't think of them right now...