Dr. Fish is a foot therapy cafe here in Korea, the basis of which is to place your feet into a small pool with hundreds and hundreds of fish, about 2" long by 1/4" wide, which then proceed to eat all of the dead skin off of your feet!! And, if you can believe it, that's not even the strangest part of the whole thing. The place where all of this happens is just a normal coffee and cake cafe, and in order to get the fish therapy done you have to buy a coffee or tea. So you come in, buy your coffee or tea, then they take you over to this raised platform and you sit on the edge of a pool full of these fish, and you just stick your feet in. The waitress sets a timer for 20 min, and when it's done you go and sit down in the cafe and have your tea.
The fish LOVED me for some reason - not sure if that's a good or bad thing... it was such a funny feeling, it kind of tickled and for like 20 min after it felt like they were still eating. Yikes. It was kind of like pins and needles. SO strange, but my feet have never felt so soft!
Hannah enjoying her fish-foot-therapy
Nick tentatively placing his feet in for the first time
The fish, trying to get as far away from Nick's feet as possible!
Just having put my feet in, the fish were really tickling!
The fist trying to stay away from EVERYONE's feet
Oh, they got the hang of it... at least with my feet! The big ones were scary!
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