That's right folks, Monday night was Bonfire Night in the UK (in homage to the King of England foiling Guy Fawkes' EVIL plan to blow up the Parliment). In honour of this momentous British occasion, Lee, one of the two British teachers (Hannah being the other), invited us all up to the roof of our apt building for Fire crackers and... can you guess it? A POT O' TEA!! It was awesome. Truly. The ONLY downside was that I had two dixie cups full of tea and was wide awake until 3am. BUT, it was lots of fun, as you can see:
Nick, our new American, with the essentials: A Sparkler and wine
Pip, the newest Canadian
Trying to write my name, although it should have been backwards

Shooting fire crackers: Pose 1

Shooting fire crackers: Pose 2

Shooting fire crackers: Pose 3 (aka laughing, b/c I almost shot the Photographer)

What would a blog be without a correction from dear old mum?
Guy Fawkes
yer welcum,
Ah, thank you mumsy!
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